Protecting Personal Business Information

The term “personal business” refers to the activities or tasks the individual or company manages on their own, for example, managing finances, completing household chores, or arranging appointments. It can also mean creating and running a business that is based on the skills or interests, as an individual or sole proprietor.

While data privacy laws differ between states and countries Most have similar definitions of what is considered personal information. Personal data is defined in the CCPA, Connecticut’s law, and other laws as any information that could be reasonably associated with an identifiable person other than data that has been de-identified or data that is available to the public. The CCPA also includes a category for sensitive personal data which requires more protection than any other type of data.

It is crucial to determine what data your organization has. This can be done by conducting a thorough inventory on all files, documents and storage devices. This should include all desktops, cabinets, file cabinets, mobile devices, laptops, disks, flash drives and digital copiers. Make sure you check areas where sensitive information might be stored outside of your office. This includes homes of employees as well as their computers that work from home.

Sensitive PII must be protected in transit and at rest and should be kept only as long as necessary for business purposes. This includes biometrics, medical information included in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act(HIPAA) Unique identifiers such as passports, Social Security Numbers and employee personal records.

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